22, 2014 – Bees and Dogs Smell Fear
2: To Bee)
things happen after I get stung by bees.
up channels for the traditional medical route, I get my name added to a Tennessee
health care project which provides sliding scale costs for people with low
other options, I call a local acupuncturist to see if he does bee venom acupuncture.
He doesn't, but he's intrigued and says he will research it.
schedule an appointment for acupuncture.
get a book called The Bible of Bee Venom Therapy: Bee Venom, Its Nature, And
Its Effects on the Arthritic and Rheumatoid Conditions.
have one session of acupuncture. It doesn't seem to make a difference, but I
know these things take time, I know these methods require more than one session,
I know that creating a pain management program can be a lifelong commitment. The
acupuncturist tells me, “Your disease is unpleasant but not life threatening.
You can have a lot of hope.”
is true. This a good reminder.
still looking for that instant fix.
I get home, on impulse, I call the president of the Nashville Beekeepers
Association. I’d gotten his number after trying to find doctors and bee venom and
apitherapists in my calling frenzy of the week before. I introduce myself, explain
how I got his number, and then launch into my main question, “Is it possible to
buy ten or twelve bees from you?” I hold my breath for the answer. I try not to
blurt out that I intend to sting myself thereby killing those ten or twelve innocent
bees. I try to hold in the words that express the horror I feel on account of
my own hypocrisy. I love bees. I hate killing. How can I justify the death of a
bee for my own benefit? Morality, ethics, and my own belief that life is the
most precious thing and should always be honored battle against my desire to be
well even at the expense of others.
are you trying to do,” he asks, “some kind of bee sting therapy?”
I say, relieved and surprised, “yes.”
he says, “you come on out here and we’ll sting you and get you all fixed up.”
assures me that it's no problem and there will be no cost unless I want to buy a
jar of honey. I've looked at his website I know how much the honey costs. I’ll
buy two. We arrange a tentative meet up and I hang up.
call my mom with the exciting news.
text my dad to ask for a prayer for the bees.
got a this is too good to be true
feeling. This is what I want. This is what I've wanted to try for a while. As sometimes
happens, I fear that what I want most won't come to pass, that some twist of
fate will thwart me. I'm afraid that the nine miles between Joel’s house and
mine will prove to be too far. After all, I don’t have my own vehicle. I have
no idea how the Nashville public transportation works (even after looking at
their website). And eighteen miles is quite a ways to walk even for me.
doubt, perhaps, acts as a self-fulfilling prophecy when on the scheduled day I
call to confirm the time with Joel and he tells me he's at the doctor’s with
his wife who has just broken her arm. “We should be home around five or
five-thirty,” he says. “I'll call you when I know.”
wanting to impose, trying to rearrange my ride, and wanting to avoid rush-hour
traffic becomes too much to handle. Why
can't things just be easy? I grouse. I have my five minutes of self-pity (which
includes a phone call to my mom) and then I pull myself together.

course, this is not the case.
Friday, I go for a second round of acupuncture. The doctor increases the
electrodes’ power, increases the number of needles used. After the session, I
experience four hours of painlessness. I can't remember the last time that has happened.
Back at the house, I sit on the couch and revel in the strangeness of, what I
can only term as, silent hands. There is no background buzzing of inflammation,
no throbbing pain, no lingering ache, not even the usual tightness of the
joints. I sit on the couch and looked at my hands and wonder how long this will
last. Although the doctor has given me a twenty percent discount I can't afford
any more sessions, not if I want to keep within the budget I've set to get me
through the end of the year. When the pain creeps back in I send up a silent
thank you for those painless hours. I'll take whatever I can get. It's a gift.
next day (with luck on my side after all) I make it out to Joel’s. He's watering
plants when I drive up in Sarah's car.
he asks.
I say.
shake hands.
not allergic to bees, are you?” Joel asks.

stings themselves hurt, a lancinating pain first followed by the jolt of venom
hitting my system. I don't even flinch.
the venom sac,” Joel says, pointing to the pulsing white bulb at the end of the
stinger jutting up out of my skin. “If you mash that down you’ll get all the
venom that's there.”
mash the venom sacs with the tip of my fingers. I want the full effect. I've
read the entire Bible of Bee Venom Therapy. It says that rheumatics need to be
saturated with bee venom. I’m going for it all.

began to believe that beekeepers might be the kindest people in the world.
I walk back to the car, I whisper a thank you to the eight bees I've killed. A
thank you doesn't cover it, but it's all I've got for now. I whisper I’m sorry,
been invited to dinner at my friend Erin’s house and I’m slightly embarrassed
to show up with my hands all marked up and red. Though to be honest, except for
the puncture marks and some radiating redness my hands look fairly normal. I
tell Erin about the experience. Dinner is delicious. Back at the house, I
notice my hands have started to react. Sarah is away for the weekend and I'm
glad. My hands swell up to two, maybe three times their size and my relief is
that she isn’t there to worry about them, about me.
know what I’m doing. I think.
wake up in the middle of the night. My hands itch like mad. They’re swollen and
they itch like mad. I don’t scratch them. The next morning, rereading the Bible
of BVT I discover what pruritus means.

have the weirdest conversations with you,” my grandmother says.
text the picture to my parents with the words: Don’t freak out, you guys.
they call me on speaker phone saying, “We’re freaking out, man, we’re freaking
out here!”
of the side effects of bee venom is an increased sense of well-being. I’m feeling
this even as my hands and arms look like I’ve got a fat suit on. I keep a
detailed log of each sting, each reaction, each day. For this I’m patient,
scientist, and doctor.

finger sting hurts worse than any I’ve gotten so far.
up to a total of 25 stings.
sorry, bees. Thank you.
go by and when the venom inflammation dies down my hands look normal. It’s been
a long time since that has happened. But this is a time of flux. I go each day
to get stings. The venom plays its part. The swelling comes, the swelling goes
down. No one is to freak out, this is what’s supposed to happen.

the illustrative theory behind bee venom therapy and autoimmunity.
goal for me is to build up an immunity to the bee venom. Somehow (magically?)
this immunity goes hand in hand with healing the arthritic condition. Whether
this is remission or a full blown cure will remain to be seen. Whatever
happens, taking an active part in finding a solution has given me back the hope
that I’d packed away some time ago.

date I’ve had a total of 298 stings. I’m working to reach venom immunity before
the worker bees cozy in for the winter. If I don’t quite make that, my trust is
that the autoimmune inflammation will be halted enough for me to get through
the winter without any more damage to my affected joints. I’ll take the
supplements that will help rebuild cartilage and maybe even the bones and
joints. I’ll keep up with the exercises I’ve started to strengthen my arms and
provide support for my wrists.
summer comes, if I need to, maybe I can find more bees.
may, as Joel said, need to become a beekeeper myself.