Caretaker’s Log, Thursday, May 28, 2015

breakfast, Porgy says, "Thank you, good breakfast."
welcome," I replied, surprised by his acknowledgment.
clean up the dishes. Laura calls to see how things are going and to tell me
she'll arrive sometime next Thursday. "You must be living in the
kitchen," she says, after I tell her about being the cook. She understands
what it's like. She's been in this position herself.
have time today to post a blog, look through some pictures, chill out, work a
crossword. I even have time to take a short walk by the river. I get pictures
of all the blooming things; flowers, buds, willows, mushrooms.
nearly lunchtime and I’m heading back to the lodge. I call out to Porgy to ask
what time he wants lunch and he says there's a great horned owl sleeping in a
tree. "Come and see it if you want."
two laborers, Porgy, and I stand beneath the tree and gaze up at the great
horned owl. We take pictures. Porgy says, "Someone go up closer and it'll
fly off." I'm the one rude enough to get close enough to the tree to make the
owl fly away. It's soundless as it heads deeper into the forest and out of
sight. I had wanted so badly to see an owl. I'm glad Porgy spotted it. I’m glad
I was outside at the right time.
have sandwiches, soup, salad, and fruit for lunch. I’ve just got everything put
away and cleaned when the truck with the sand arrives. The driver is invited in
for lunch. Making one sandwich is easy. He eats, chats with Porgy, and leaves.
The guys fill and dig and smooth out the ground around the propane tanks. Two
of the three tanks are now covered. The sand truck will bring another load
bake banana bread. I use real flour and it comes out exactly the way it should.
Third time with banana bread must be a charm. Or not using coconut flour. It's
perfect, but being gluten filled, I won't eat it. This reminds me of the story
my mom told me about her recent visit with my niece. They were having a pretend
tea party and Shea was serving up some pretend cake or something. Suddenly, she
paused and looked at my mom to say, "I have to tell you this is not gluten-free and it has lots of sugar." My mom said she and
Shea promptly ate the entire thing.
dinner, I heat up the spaghetti and meatballs, make a salad, and make garlic
toast. The laborers really like the food. They get seconds. That's always a
dinner, one of the guys goes to shower and the other heads off to bed. But
before he does, he asks me where to put the recycling in Spanish and I answer.
He tells me I speak very well and then proceeds to tell me that he really wants
to get married but it's hard to find anyone out here. He means in Wyoming, not
the wilderness, I presume. I smile and nod, but don't respond. I don't want him
to get any ideas about my marriageability. He tells me I'm brave to have stayed
here all on my own. "Weren't you scared?" he asks. Not in the least.
does the dishes. I rinse. I go out and sit with the cat. She makes herself at
home in my lap. Then that time is over. Everyone is out of the lodge by 9:30
and I go upstairs. Not too exhausted, not frazzled out, not in tears.
was a good day.
Caretaker’s Log, Friday, May 29, 2015
May is nearly over.
been a crazy three weeks.
awake at 6:30 AM.
downstairs only minutes after seven o'clock.
has started water boiling. I make coffee and start up some steel cut oats. Set
the table. Put out the banana bread and bread for toast, and start frying up
sausage. The laborers come in just after eight o'clock and breakfast is on.

lunch the plan is for me to drive the truck to the Pinedale dump with the
laborers following behind. They'll unload it for me and go home to Jackson.
Then I'll be free to do any shopping I might need to do and then return to the
ranch. I’m not sure exactly how I got roped in for this, but whatever. In
preparation, I take a quick rinse off bath and put on jeans and a flannel shirt—going
to town clothes rather than the snow pants and everyday sweatshirt I've been
wearing all winter long.
set out the lunch things. Porgy says to keep it simple so we can blast right
off after lunch.
look out the window and see the sand truck has arrived. Good. The laborers were
brought out to help fill the space where the new propane tanks are being
bedded. The more work done today the better. Porgy wants to leave this afternoon.
The laborers want to leave. Gerry might stay until tomorrow.
the sand is dumped they all come in for salad and sandwiches, cookies and
banana bread. The banana bread is a hit.
all dressed up," Porgy says. I find it funny that jeans and a flannel
shirt is considered dressing up.
is discussion time. Porgy and Gerry want to take advantage of the laborers’
presence to get the backfilling done. Porgy suggests that I might drive out to
the dump myself. I would have to leave this instant. The dump closes at four
o'clock and it's nearly two already. It takes at least an hour and a half to get
to Pinedale. Also, going alone would mean I would have to unload the trash
myself. It's a lot of stuff to unload. The sand truck driver says, "Don't
do it, it'll be too much."
continue. Gerry and I could go to the dump, get diesel and wine, and come back
while Porgy and the laborers continue to work and then leave.
the guys could transfer all the trash from the truck to the sand guy’s dump
truck and he could take it out. The transfer would be a lot of throwing upward
and Porgy is against the idea.
only concerned about the trash because there's food trash in there and I don't
want the stench to attract animals. I don't want any animals getting into the
trash and making a colossal mess.
talk about Porgy taking his truck to follow me in the ranch truck to the dump
and the two of us unloading it, me doing any shopping I want, and then
returning. This is suddenly the plan.
need to leave right now," Porgy says.

dressed up and nowhere to go," Porgy tells me.
shrug. Nothing around here is set in stone.
sand guy leaves. The four guys go fill in the propane tank area. The new plan
is for Gerry and me to go to the dump in the morning. The laborers will head
home when the work is as done as it can get for today. And Porgy will try to
get home in time to watch game seven of the hockey tournament going on.
clean up the lunch dishes. With a light lunch the cleanup is easy peasy.
I go outside and sit in the temporary sun, work a crossword puzzle, think about
my friend Tim's suggestions and critique of my book, and catch up on the day’s events
for my caretaker’s log in my notebook. The cat is nowhere to be seen. The noise
of the backhoe is keeping her in hiding.
laborers and Porgy leaves just around 4:00 PM.
try to Jedi mind trick Gerry into leaving too, but my methods don't work on
him. He wants to finish up some work. He says we’ll drive to the dump in the
morning. He does more backfilling. I sit outside, call for the cat. Do some
thinking about my book, try to quell my disappointment at not being alone, and
go in to eat tuna for my alone dinner.
call my grandmother.
have salad and fruit for dinner, my second dinner. Gerry wants to make it easy
on me. He also says he's been eating too much, because the food has been tasty.
There aren't many dishes to clean.
that, I go outside and say hi to the cat. There's a rainbow in the eastern sky.
Gerry comes and tries to sweet talk her. After a while she lets him pet her
takes the ranch truck up to Industrial Park and fills the tank with gas. We are
all set to go in the morning. "The earlier we go, the earlier we get
back," he says. That's the plan, but I feel a little odd about leaving the
ranch without anyone but the cat to watch over things. I haven't been out for
152 days. As Gerry drives back from the Park I stand waiting by the fence.
"I'm going up to bed," I say. I'm exhausted. It's only 8:30.
think I'll go to bed too," he says. "See you in the morning."
take the last of the wine and go sit in bed and watch part of a show until I
can't stand to keep my eyes open any longer.
Caretaker’s Log, Saturday, May 30, 2015
day starts early. Leftover oatmeal for Gerry and granola for me. We’re in the
truck heading up the road to Pinedale at 7:40 AM. It's a long way out. Miles
and miles of mud and dirt and long, beautiful, lonely road. I'm suddenly glad
to see how far these workers have had to come in order to disturb the solitude.
see antelope, two lone elk, a skittish moose, and lots of ground squirrels—which
all these guys call chiselers.
closer we get to the town, as the number of houses increase, I find myself
tensing and bracing. Relax, I think, just relax.
unload 2200 pounds of trash at the dump. "You're a good worker,"
Gerry tells me. "I'm going to hire you." It takes us half an hour to
empty the truck bed.
we go to the grocery store. I get my precious cans of coconut milk and more
supplies to feed next week's invasion of workers. While Gerry goes to get
diesel fuel, I walk to the liquor store and get wine and some beer for Gerry. I
wait outside and stand up on a rock looking for the sight of the old Ford
for a parade to go by?" a man asks.
finally arrives—there’d been confusion at the gas station on the cashier’s part
about two methods of payment and it had taken more time than it should have to fill
three cans with diesel.
stopped for lunch at what Gerry calls a nouveau pub. How easy it is to fit back
into the human world. How sad, I think.
back at the ranch around 2:00 PM. All in all, it was a six hour excursion.
That's the longest I've been away from the ranch, from the lodge since I
arrived. The first time I've been out at all.
gets back to work and I do little things around the place. I take time to call
the cat out of the roof and we sit together on the chairs out in the sun. It's
a lovely day. The temperature has inched up over 60°.
dinner, I make rice noodles and top them with a fried egg. I put out fruit and
make garlic toast for Gerry. We have dinner just after seven o'clock. I try to
convey, as kindly as possible, my desire to be alone one more day, just one
more day to myself, without hurting Gerry's feelings, I just want him to leave.
"Fucking hermit," he'd said to me earlier on the way back down that
long road toward the ranch when I’d said how glad I was that it was so far out
and almost not far enough.
never can get a solid answer as to when he might leave. Maybe tomorrow, maybe
the next, whenever all the work is done. Who knows.
cleans up the dinner dishes while I put away the food and secure the kitchen
against the mice for the night.
see a mouse scamper out of the kitchen and go down the hall. I shake my head.
Those impudent mice.
take a glass of wine and go upstairs. I set up my computer in the bathroom and
watch a show as I take a bath, wash my hair.
may not have been alone, but it has been a nice day, an interesting day. Gerry
isn’t bad company. He's got easier expectations than Porgy. Gerry, teasing me
about the giant pot of tomato soup that had made more than one meal appearance
(to Porgy's disgust and displeasure), tells me that Porgy got spoiled working
up at Flag Ranch where the meals were a little bit more gourmet and leftovers
were never served. I think that they should have told me what the expectations
were exactly before they arrived. A girl can't succeed if she doesn't know what
the rules are. Also, I have a hard time going from the mentality of "use
everything, waste nothing," to throwing good food out. It goes against my
wilderness survival methods, it goes against the way I live.
fall asleep wondering if Gerry will ever go home.