Log, Sunday, April 27, 2014
no good reason I wake up in a grouch. It’s 26 degrees outside and snowing. I
should be happy. Maybe my mood is growling because I’ve got a lot to do today
and my motivation is leaning me towards sitting on the couch all day. By a lot
I mean I have to water the plants and chop wood.
sit on the couch.
feel motivated once I get moving, I’m sure.
get moving. I water the plants.
10:08, after checking the generator shed’s lights, I put on the skis. Conditions
are completely unfavorable for cross country skiing. My mal humor is not helped
by sinking, skis and all, practically knee deep into snow that should not be
this soft when it’s this cold, again and again. I only make it as far as the
fence at the culvert before calling the whole thing off. With some swearing I
turn around and head back to the Lodge. This jaunt was not exercise enough to
release any endorphins and I breathe deep to still my fuming. “I’m not in the
mood, Cat,” I say in response to the cat’s meow as I approach the porch. I take
the skis off just after 10:30.
snows from 9:00 to about 2:00. I chop wood with the snow falling over me. I
chop until I have what I hope is a week’s worth of wood.
it’s stacked and I’m finished with my chores, all two of them, I sit on a front
porch chair with my legs stretched out before me as the snow blows over me,
around me, on me. The cat jumps on my lap. She starts up toward my face and I
push her gently down. “Not that close. Not that personal, Cat,” I say. She
turns and makes herself at home, occasionally kneading her claws into my leg.
bad mood dissipates as the sun comes out, briefly, and warms me through my snow
gear, as the snow falls like cold magical stars around me. Spring. Winter.
Spring. Winter. Winter.
stir up the last of the gluten-free pancake mix and have pancakes and coffee
for my 4:00 lunch.
the consistent snow of the day there is only a trace amount left on the ground,
the roofs, the tree branches—not enough to measure. Where did it all go with it
staying so cold all day? It’s a thawing spring mystery.
I stoke up the fire so hot that I have to go outside without my coat on to cool
off. It’s dark and I don’t have my flashlight with me. Behind me, I hear a loud
splash in the river. And then a second one. The cat, twining around my legs, is
unaffected, so I am too. Mars is still brightly red in the east, southeast sky.
still really hot inside.
eat the last avocado half from Todd’s care package and a can of pineapple for
I expect to hear from my brother, after all it is
Sunday night. But there’s no call. He messages me to say he’d called and I hadn’t
answered. I must not have heard the phone while outside. But no, the phone is
dead. There’s no dial tone when I pick it up. Spring messes with the phone
lines. I’d been warned.
Log, Monday, April 28, 2014
wake up tired after dreaming about chasing down lost luggage all night long.
got down to 7 degrees and the snow is solid again.
phone is still dead.
advantage of the cold and the hard ground, I clip into the skis at 10:51. It’s
nothing like yesterday. My pace is fast. I take less gasping breaks than I have
on previous runs. I make it to the ice-slick top of the eastern slope at 11:33.
The quick moving dark cloud coming from the north brings snowflakes with it.
The snow swirls around me and I feel like I’m in some perfect winter capsule.
The snowstorm passes and leaves me alone.
The wind, left to its devices, pushes the trees who creak with eerie disconsolence (which should be a word), and chases snow devils along the ground and up the hills.
The wind, left to its devices, pushes the trees who creak with eerie disconsolence (which should be a word), and chases snow devils along the ground and up the hills.
a five minute respite, I lace my boots up tighter for the downhill run and at
11:38 with a second snow cloud making more winter around me I turn for home.
ground is slicker than it was two days ago, three days ago. I don’t feel the grip
of the skis underneath me as I begin my tentative descent, and then the iced
down snow propels me forward. I have two spectacular wipeouts with flying snow,
tumbling me, and air-slicing skis! I have several other less impressive falls,
and one long great semi-controlled speedy downhill run. Successful in that I am
going about 8000 miles per hour and don’t fall at the end to stop. My eyes are
shedding water like tears as the snow blows in my face, freezes my ears, and fogs
up my sunglasses. I feel alive. What a run.
at the Lodge, I sit on the porch for almost an hour in the sun, in the snow, in
the wind. Snowstorms come in from the north like they’ve got appointments in
the east they’re running late for. The sun plays in between them. I sit there
on the porch, content like the cat who’s sprawled out nearby, thinking, “A body
at rest stays at rest.” Thinking that I could sit here all day without moving, an
inert object, unacted upon by any external force.
There’s no reason to move. I’m solid with idleness.
There’s no reason to move. I’m solid with idleness.
face, below my sunglasses and my winter cap, gets sunburned.
Skype with my sister Michaela. It’s her 33rd birthday.
I work a 500 piece puzzle and finish listening to an audiobook I’ve turned on
here and there over the past few weeks. The night gets away from me this way.
Log, Tuesday, April 29, 2014
57 degrees in my room when I wake up. The blue sky is visible through the
skylights. So many times I start off my mornings by singing, “It’s gonna be a
bright, bright sunshiny day.” This day is no exception.
the bathroom window I see that some creature has left a line of fresh tracks in
the front yard snow. Maybe it was the cat.
open one of my two cans of coconut milk to put in my coffee. Because there’s no
time like the present. There’s nothing like having good coffee in the morning.
phone is still out.
get an email from Karen with some possible solutions to fixing the phone
problem. Part of that is checking to see if the walkie-talkie receives a dial
tone. It does. Neither the manual nor the emailed instructions actually tell me
why this is good and how it can be used to fix the problem. I read it all over
three times to make sure I’m not missing some step. I email Karen about the
walkie-talkie dial tone success and the incomprehensibleness of the information
from Loring (the former owner and troubleshooting expert). She emails me back
that she hadn’t understood either and that maybe we’ll just wait a few days and
see if the phone fixes itself.
watch a red tailed hawk soar.
lunch I make a decent broccoli, spinach, green bean with rice sauté. I was
needing some variety and it hits the spot. Person cannot live on pink soup
save, at least temporarily, one of the ground squirrels from possible demise by
the cat. The foolish thing is taking residence awfully near the porch.
geese are in a frenzy.
settle on the couch to read and fall asleep for half an hour.
start a new 500 piece puzzle while listening to P.G. Wodehouse’s The Inimitable
going to go to bed early tonight.