Log, Monday, April 21, 2014
float charge I’d worried about last night is back up to 56.4. This is good.
This is reassuring.

the fire is out and I get cleaned up, I go around back to view the river and
the north mountain and the descending sun and discover that there are at least
three beavers. I watch them slip in and out of the water and wish my camera had
a better zoom.

eat the last of my sweet potato soup for dinner.
Log, Tuesday, April 22, 2014
again and I’m up and about. Mornings are the best time when there is heavy whipping
cream to put in good coffee. I work a crossword puzzle, mess around online for
a bit, check the generator shed, pet the cat, make granola.

vacuum the living room, the kitchen, the alcove.
I eat
a can of pineapple chunks.
My mom calls.
pink soup turns out to be all right after all. Especially with the rice which I
make just the way Peruvian Geraldine taught me to make it. She’d be very proud.
like a storm’s coming in.
Log, Wednesday, April 23, 2014
It’s three weeks today that I’ve been here. The time
is an uncanny marker. I don’t really know what I mean by that.
Sometime during the night it snowed. Just a dusting.
The ground looks cleaner. Colder.
I’m drinking the last of the heavy whipping cream in
my coffee this morning.
Karen emailed me to say if I would inventory the
storage room freezer she’d pay me a little bit. I might have done it for free,
but the cash is nice. This must be why God invented Paypal. So I amble to the
back room and inventory the contents of the freezer. Most of the meat is
labeled and I guess at weights. Beef, approximately two pounds, 8 packages.
That kind of thing. There are a couple unidentified and unidentifiable
packages. I think I call them all chicken. This is what happens when you ask a vegetarian
to inventory meat. There is also a section labelled “Good Leftovers.”
inventory those and am glad I’m not required to eat any of it. The frozen
vegetables are of three kinds: spinach, green beans, and broccoli cuts.
It hasn’t gotten above freezing today. Playing in
the freezer or playing outside—it’d all be about the same temperature. There’s
blowing snow coming in from the north.
While I’m on a roll, I inventory the items in the
kitchen freezer. Then I put all this information in an Excel spreadsheet and
email it off to Karen.

When I go to check the generator shed I see one of
the smallish beavers. I’m starting to distinguish between them. Not all beavers
look the same.
I see the kingfisher again. It’s flashy and quick.

I pause to look in the water (is it Kinky Creek or
the river here? I don’t know) and see another beaver. A close up of a beaver!
He turns tail and dives under water before I can get a picture.
This place is infested with beavers.
At 7:32 it’s snowing like crazy.
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