Caretaker’s Log, Friday, May 9, 2014
like déjà vu. When I wake up it has snowed, it is snowing. It’s still snowing. I
make up a batch of granola. Just another lazy day.

talk with my grandmother.
the window I see that it’s pouring down snow. One isolated snowstorm after the

wish there were something easy for dinner. Maybe I’ll feast off canned fruit.
steam up some broccoli and eat the last can of pears in pear juice. It’s easy enough.
finish the impossible bug puzzle. There are six pieces missing. Almost to the
moment I put the last piece in, Alex Jennings intones the last words of Secret Adversary.
That worked out.
stay up late reading up on meteorology.
Caretaker’s Log, Saturday, May 10, 2014
softly snowing.

it’s still snowing, a denser film of flakes, yet ever softly, soundless, white.
tune my ipod to the Rocky Story which starts with Eye of the Tiger, route it
through the front and back room speakers, and go clean the bathrooms. I jam out
when my favorite song comes on and sing along, “There’s no easy way out, there’s
no short cut home.” There’s nothing like 1980s rock n’ roll to get straight to
the point.
the sky is still softly sifting snow.

at the Lodge, I bag up all the empty cans and take them to the recycle bin located
on the cat’s porch. I’ve eaten at the least seventeen cans of fruit.

The ground squirrels are getting fatter.

All I’ve written for the last few days is snow, snow, snow, snow. And here, now, despite all that, there is no snow on the grass except in those shaded and northern spots, and up under the trees. Where did it all evaporate to? After all, today’s high was only 39.9.
set some beans in water to soak overnight.
evening, with those fluffy clouds, with that blue sky, it looks like spring
Caretaker’s Log, Sunday, May 11, 2014
conduct my usual morning rituals: fire, coffee, breakfast, crossword.
I check the bulk charge (it’s at a strong 58.4. This pleases me), I call my
a faint hope for cooking success (I know how I want them to turn out), I dump the beans in fresh water and put the
giant pot on the stove. I add in an onion and some garlic.
noon, I put on my outside gear and go for a walk. You know, climb every mountain
and all that. While I’m singing along in my head, I decide to save the ford
every stream line until after the weather turns a bit warmer.

the Lodge, I wipe the mud from my shoes and hold my pants legs up from dragging
on the carpet as I go inside and get cleaned up.
beans are simmering.
large bird of prey circles the western field, catches my attention out of the
corner of my eye. Not wanting to lose sight of it, I reach blindly for the
binoculars, put them up to my eye, and squint into the distance come suddenly
closer. A bald eagle! It dives into the burnt orange shrubs and I don’t see it
reappear for a good long time.

trick to beans is to let them cook for the entire day.
talk to Phinehas for an hour.
grandmother calls and I wish her a Happy Mother’s Day.
I eat rice and beans for dinner. The beans came out just as I’d hoped they would. It’s a cooking success.
moon is nearing full.
I must admit that I am so envious of the solitude, nature, and beauty......I could handle maybe a month if I had my camera, comfort food and internet!